Reddibird Times


便秘解消の秘訣/ "Unlocking the Secret to Relieving Constipation: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health"











  • 16時間ファスティング:。1日のうち16時間は絶食し、残りの8時間だけ食事を取る「16時間断食・8時間食事」のスタイルです。朝食を抜いて夕食後から次の日の夕食までの間、何も口にしないというパターンが一般的です。
  • 1Dayファスティング:その名の通り1日断食を行う方法で、週に1日や月に数日間程度が目安とされています。
  • 5:2ダイエット:1週間のうち5日間は通常通り食事をし、残り2日間は絶食または極端な低カロリー食を取るというスタイルです。この2日間は連続しなくてもよく、非連続でも構いません。








 "Unlocking the Secret to Relieving Constipation: A Holistic Approach to Gut Health"


"I haven't had a bowel movement in a week... but I still feel hungry."

When I heard these words, calculations started running through my mind. 3 meals a day for 7 days equals 21 portions of food. Where could all these ingredients be accumulated in this small body? That's what I was pondering.

21 portions! Not having expelled anything means everything ingested over the course of a day, 7 days in this case, is sitting in the body, the waste material that should have already been expelled is still there. There's no way not to feel alarmed.

In daily life, constipation can cause physical discomfort and stress. Today, I'll introduce methods to alleviate constipation by improving diet and exercise, increasing fibre intake and fluid consumption, incorporating moderate exercise. Furthermore, I'll delve into specific methods for incorporating fasting and other approaches that aid in improving constipation. I hope these tips will help you lead a healthy and comfortable life.

Let's start by reviewing our daily diet. The most important aspect of improving constipation is increasing fibre intake. Fibre-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, and grains help regulate the intestinal environment and improve bowel movements. As a general guideline, it's recommended to consume over 25g of fibre per day, but since individual needs vary, let's increase it gradually within a reasonable range.

For example, adding fruits and granola to yoghourt for breakfast, including a salad for lunch, and having a dinner rich in vegetables and soup are recommended. Personally, I enjoy dried fruits, and I find that eating organic dried apricots from Aeon helps with smoother bowel movements. When I want to intake iron, I sometimes switch to prunes. Since Japanese people have fewer enzymes to digest dairy products, switching to soy yoghourt reduces the burden on the intestines.

Also, don't forget to stay hydrated. When the body lacks water, stool can become hard, worsening constipation. The daily guideline is 1.5 to 2 litres, but it's effective to drink water at regular intervals. Drinking water upon waking up and before and after meals is particularly effective.

Next, let's talk about the importance of exercise. A lack of exercise can often be a cause of constipation. Exercise promotes intestinal peristalsis, facilitating the elimination of waste materials. In addition to aerobic exercise, abdominal exercises and stretching can also be helpful. For those who find it difficult to make time for exercise due to a busy schedule, starting by gradually incorporating exercise into daily life, such as using stairs or taking short walks, is a good idea.

Furthermore, there's been increasing attention on the effectiveness of fasting for improving constipation. There are various methods of fasting, with intermittent fasting, one-day fasting, and the 5:2 diet being some of the most common.

16-hour fasting: This style involves fasting for 16 hours a day and consuming meals only during the remaining 8 hours, known as the "16-hour fasting, 8-hour eating" pattern. Skipping breakfast and fasting from after dinner until the next day's dinner is a common pattern.

1-day fasting: As the name suggests, this method involves fasting for one day, typically once a week or for several days a month.

5:2 diet: This style involves eating normally for 5 days a week and fasting or consuming very low-calorie foods for the remaining 2 days. These 2 days don't have to be consecutive.

There are also other fasting methods such as omni charging and time-restricted feeding (TRF), but I'll omit them here.

I've personally tried various fasting methods, but I find that incorporating 16-hour fasting into my daily life makes me feel the best. During fasting, the intestines are not burdened with excess food, allowing them to rest. Additionally, the body's enzymes are not used for digestion, but instead, metabolism is increased, and cellular cleaning takes place.

However, there's a significant individual difference, which is also the challenging part of fasting. Extreme fasting can potentially disrupt your health, so it's recommended to start by improving your diet and exercise gradually and then gradually challenge yourself with fasting. If you want to know more details, please feel free to ask.

Long-term constipation can also be a risk factor for colon cancer. Instead of considering it a temporary symptom, let's gradually work on improving our lifestyle. By paying attention to the three key points of a fibre-rich diet&regular hydration, and moderate exercise, constipation can be effectively improved.

Starting today, consciously practise these three steps and regain a comfortable and healthy daily life.