Reddibird Times


リンパ流れをスムーズに! 日々のケアで明日への活力を/Smooth Lymph Flow! Revitalise Tomorrow with Daily Care





- むくみや浮腫が起こりやすくなる(例:長時間のデスクワークや飛行機での移動後に足のむくみがある)

- 免疫力の低下で風邪をひきやすくなる(例:ストレスや睡眠不足の時期に風邪を引きがち)

- 代謝の遅れによる体調不良(例:朝スッキリしない、夕方にだるさを感じるなど)

- にきびや肌荒れなどの肌トラブルが起こりやすくなる










- 人参とビーツのサラダ

- ケールとアボカドのスムージー

- 蒸し野菜の盛り合わせに大根を加える



- ケールの細切り、アボカド、トマト、きゅうり

- オリーブオイルとレモン汁で和える





- オレンジジュース、にんじん、生姜のすりおろし、はちみつ





- 温野菜サラダに、ターメリック、オリーブオイル、レモン汁を合わせたドレッシングをかける


- お湯に生姜スライス、レモンスライスを入れる

- メープルシロップで甘みを加える  










肩こりや腕の疲れに: 腕は手の甲から肩に向かってマッサージ

小顔に: 顔は顎からこめかみ、耳の付け根へ








- 首のストレッチ(右左、前後への回転)

- 肩と腕のストレッチ(肩回し、腕の伸展)

- 脚のストレッチ(かかと引っ張り、内転/外転)







Smooth Lymph Flow! Revitalise Tomorrow with Daily Care


We often hear phrases like "stimulating lymph flow" or "lymph congestion," which are somehow associated with health. But what exactly is lymph?

Lymph is a clear fluid circulating within the body, playing a vital role alongside blood. It carries away old cells and harmful substances while immune cells fight pathogens. In essence, lymph can be thought of as the body's "cleaning crew."

When lymph flow is impaired...

  • Swelling and edema become more common (e.g., experiencing swollen legs after prolonged desk work or airplane travel).
  • Immune system weakening leads to increased susceptibility to colds (e.g., being more prone to catching a cold during periods of stress or lack of sleep).
  • Metabolic delays cause various health issues (e.g., feeling sluggish in the morning, experiencing fatigue in the evening).
  • Skin issues like acne or dermatitis are more likely to occur.

On the other hand, with good lymph flow, these symptoms are alleviated, leading to healthier and more energetic days.

[Improving Lymph Flow with Diet]

To enhance lymphatic flow, it's recommended to consume foods rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

🥬 Antioxidant-rich Vegetables for Lymph Support

Green-yellow vegetables, kale, and radishes contain abundant vitamins, minerals, and fiber, with antioxidant properties facilitating the expulsion of waste from the body.

For example:

  • Carrot and beet salad
  • Kale and avocado smoothie
  • Steamed vegetables with radish

These can be incorporated into various dishes like salads, soups, steamed vegetables, or smoothies.

[Recommended Recipe] Kale and Avocado Green Salad

  • Finely chopped kale, avocado, tomato, cucumber
  • Toss with olive oil and lemon juice

🍊 Enzymes in Citrus Fruits Break Down Waste

Citrus fruits like lemon and orange contain enzymes that break down waste in the body. Consuming them raw or in smoothies is beneficial.

[Recommended Recipe] Orange and Carrot Detox Smoothie

  • Orange juice, carrot, grated ginger, maple syrup

🍛 Anti-inflammatory Properties of Ginger and Turmeric

Ginger and turmeric possess excellent anti-inflammatory properties, improving lymphatic flow. Besides being used in curry, they can be added to various dishes.

[Recommended Recipe] Turmeric Dressing for Warm Vegetable Salad

  • Drizzle turmeric, olive oil, and lemon juice over warm vegetable salad

[Recommended Recipe] Ginger and Lemon Maple Tea

  • Infuse hot water with ginger slices and lemon slices
  • Add maple syrup for sweetness

By consciously consuming such lymphatic-friendly foods, one can maintain a clear internal state.

[Lymphatic-Friendly Exercise and Massage]

Alongside diet, exercise and massage play crucial roles in regulating lymphatic flow.

5-Minute Lymphatic Massage Before Bed

Using the palms and fingertips, massage along lymph nodes. Since lymph flows upward, massaging from bottom to top is effective.


  • For leg swelling: Start from the feet and massage towards the thighs and abdomen.
  • For shoulder stiffness or arm fatigue: Massage from the hand to the shoulder.
  • For facial lymphatic drainage: Massage from the chin to the temples, behind the ears.

Aerobic Exercise to Circulate Lymphatic Fluid

Activities like walking, jogging, or cycling promote lymphatic circulation. Start with light exercises and gradually increase to 30 minutes daily, aiming to break a sweat.

Stretching for Smooth Body Flow

Lymph flow adjusts with body movements. Stretching the shoulders, arms, and legs helps improve lymphatic flow and maintains flexibility.

For instance:

  • Neck stretches (right-left, forward-backward rotations)
  • Shoulder and arm stretches (shoulder rolls, arm extensions)
  • Leg stretches (heel pulls, internal/external rotations)

[Adequate Hydration is Key]

Sufficient hydration dilutes lymphatic fluid, facilitating waste removal. Aim for 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day, ensuring regular hydration.

In this way, conscientious daily care is essential. Incorporating habits like diet, exercise, massage, and stretching fosters lymphatic flow, leading to healthier living. These small habits pave the way for a healthy lifestyle.