Reddibird Times


春の紫外線対策:この季節におすすめの美肌レシピ!/"Spring UV Protection: Recommended Beauty Recipes for This Season!"




















  • オレンジのスライスとアボカドの角切りをボウルに入れます。
  • レモン汁とオリーブオイルをかけ、塩とこしょうで味を調えます。
  • 仕上げに、刻んだ新鮮なミントやアーモンドスライスを加えてサラダを飾ります。






  • 木綿豆腐、シメジ、エリンギを食べやすい大きさに切ります。
  • ボウルにオリーブオイル、醤油、レモン汁、みじん切りにんにく、塩、黒こしょうを混ぜてマリネ液を作ります。
  • 豆腐、シメジ、エリンギ、ピーマン(1個、細かく切る)をマリネ液に漬け、味を馴染ませる。
  • ホイルシートにマリネした具材をのせ、ホイルで包み、約20〜25分間180度のオーブンで焼きます。




  • チアシードをアーモンドミルクやココナッツミルクと混ぜ、冷蔵庫で一晩寝かせます。
  • シナモンやバニラエッセンスで風味を付け、お好みでメープルシロップやアガぺぺシロップで甘みを加えます。
  • 仕上げに、季節のフルーツナッツ、メープルシロップをトッピングします。










"Spring UV Protection: Recommended Beauty Recipes for This Season!"

Last week, I turned 37. At this age, most women tend to ponder the same things. Birthdays bring joy but also confront us with the harsh reality of aging.

In the process of gracefully aging, many of us have experimented with various approaches, only to discard them later. As we age, the inner state of our bodies becomes increasingly visible, making it impossible to hide imperfections. My theory is that by observing visible signs such as skin and hair condition, we can understand our internal health. Visible signs are clear indicators and allow us to feel the effects distinctly.

We all want to maintain smooth skin and healthy, shiny hair. The key to achieving these desires lies hidden in our food. By understanding and incorporating wise nutrients found in ingredients, we can attain both ideal beauty and health.

Ever wondered how famous celebrities maintain their glowing skin and glossy hair? The secret lies in consuming smart nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients prevent aging and keep the skin and hair healthy. Similarly, for those who want to age healthily, wise nutrients are indispensable. Longevity lies in maintaining a diet that keeps our cells healthy, with antioxidants like Vitamin C playing a crucial role.

Today, I present recipes packed with smart nutrients. With simple ingredients and steps, you can ensure proper nutrition for beauty and health. These recipes are designed to be stress-free, even for singles or busy parents. Now is the chance to achieve your ideal self, glowing more with each passing year. Why not realize your inner transformation with your own hands?

Our bodies are greatly influenced by the nutrients we consume. Especially, nutrients affecting the beauty of our skin and hair are worth noting. So, which foods can give us that inner radiance?

Glowing Skin with Vitamin C

Vitamin C aids in collagen production, crucial for skin elasticity. As UV rays intensify, they activate enzymes that break down collagen, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. Start today by consciously incorporating foods rich in Vitamin C.

Here's a recommended recipe:

【Orange & Avocado Salad】

  • Slice oranges and dice avocados into a bowl.
  • Drizzle lemon juice and olive oil over them, season with salt and pepper.
  • Garnish with fresh mint and almond slices.

This refreshing salad, rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E, supports skin elasticity and moisture, protecting it from harmful UV rays.

Radiant Skin with Vitamin E

Vitamin E protects the skin from external stressors like UV rays, preventing wrinkles and age spots.

【Tofu & Mushroom Foil Bake】

  • Cut tofu, shimeji mushrooms, and eryngii mushrooms into bite-sized pieces.
  • Prepare a marinade by mixing olive oil, soy sauce, lemon juice, minced garlic, salt, and black pepper in a bowl.
  • Marinate the tofu, mushrooms, and diced bell pepper in the marinade.
  • Place the marinated ingredients on foil, wrap them, and bake at 180°C for 20-25 minutes.

This dish, with tofu providing protein and calcium and mushrooms offering Vitamin D and minerals, is a main course rich in healthy fats and Vitamin C, perfect for skin and hair.

【Chia Seed Pudding】

  • Mix chia seeds with almond milk or coconut milk and refrigerate overnight.
  • Add flavor with cinnamon or vanilla essence and sweeten with maple syrup or agave syrup.
  • Top with seasonal fruits, nuts, and a drizzle of maple syrup.

Chia seeds, rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, nourish the skin from within, providing the necessary protection and moisture.

For those with busy schedules, here's a quick, nutritious recipe:

【Almond & Olive Oil Pasta】

A simple yet nutrient-packed recipe using Vitamin E-rich almonds and olive oil.

By consciously incorporating wise nutrients found in food, you can achieve both beauty and health. Make a habit of eating meals that nourish your skin, and aim for your ideal self.