Reddibird Times


春分でよーいどん!/The vernal equinox—ready, set, go!













大地のエネルギーがたっぷり詰まった春野菜。よ~いどん! これからのスタートダッシュに勢いをつけてくれる、エネルギッシュなお野菜たちです。




In English ↓

‘The vernal equinox—ready, set, go!’


I am a Catholic believer, and during this time, we have Easter (Resurrection Sunday), preceded by a period of repentance. Repentance doesn't erase the past; it's about realising and learning from it. If you have repented, you should reflect on what you have learned and discuss with God how to live from now on.

The words spoken cannot be taken back, actions taken shape the present, and the food eaten becomes part of oneself.

Therefore, I believe we are questioned daily about what words we use, how we behave, and what we eat. It may diverge a bit from the current topic, butI feel that the adult's fresh start is much like that.


A while back, the news mentioned the arrival of the first spring winds, but I feel like today might be the day. Outside my window, the mimosa trees are dancing to the melody of the wind, heralding the arrival of spring. Taking a stroll, I encounter fields of rapeseed blossoms and sprouting fiddleheads, embracing the picturesque signs of spring.

Let's delve into the significance of the energy found in fresh spring vegetables as they come into season. Spring vegetables are imbued with the energy of new beginnings. Starting from the vernal equinox, the sun's energy begins to pour down more abundantly. Plants utilise the energy received from the earth and the nourishment of sun and rain to grow vigorously, akin to the process of a baby developing in the womb. It symbolises the energy of birth, renewal, and growth. Spring vegetables are perfect to consume when you're embarking on something new, making them ideal for the start of the school or work season.


Fresh spring potatoes, in their prime season, are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and dietary fibre. Vitamin B6 promotes energy metabolism, aiding in fatigue recovery and stress management. Dietary fibre maintains digestive health, alleviating constipation and indigestion.

Asparagus, in its free-spirited growth, boasts nutrients like vitamin K, folate, and iron. Vitamin K aids in blood clotting and bone health, while folate is crucial for pregnant women, preventing neural tube defects in foetuses.

Spinach, packed with iron, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C, supports preventing anaemia and maintaining bone health. Additionally, vitamins A and C enhance immune function and promote skin health.

Leafy greens like komatsuna, mizuna, and amaranth, abundant in chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals, offer detoxifying and skin-enhancing benefits.


Combining spring vegetables can create synergistic effects. Pairing vitamin C-rich leafy greens with asparagus or carrots enhances absorption rates, boosting immunity and antioxidant effects. Iron-rich greens paired with vitamin C-containing vegetables improve iron absorption, contributing to overall health.

For example, fiddleheads are rich in dietary fibre, vitamin C, E, potassium, enhancing gut health and immunity, while rapeseed blossoms offer vitamin A, C, calcium, and iron, supporting eye and skin health and preventing anaemia. Combining these two provides synergistic effects of vitamin C and dietary fibre, promoting better digestion and absorption.


Spring vegetables brim with the energy of the earth. Ready, set, go! Energise your start with these vibrant and nutritious vegetables straight from the earth.