Reddibird Times


肌のキノコ / A Mushroom on skin



もうすぐ37年目の誕生日を迎えるのですが、いかに老いと戦っていくか…… ということは私の人生のテーマでもあります。「美しくなければ意味がない……」とハウルの動く城でハウルが弱音を吐くシーンがあるのですが、その気持ち、本当によくわかるのです。自分の嫌いな部分は、なにもしなくても次から次に出てきますが、好きな部分は、コツコツと自分に愛情をかけていくことでしか表れません。



食生活の面では、糖分と油分の組み合わせが、アクネ菌をキノコの大魔王に仕立てます。生理前はホルモンバランスの影響でおやつが増えがちですが、そこはぐっと1週間堪えて糖分・油分の多いチョコレートやケーキは避けます。甘いもの好きな私にとっては、たかが1週間…… されど1週間…… 自己鍛錬だと思いこの期間を乗り越えます。逆に、摂った方が良い栄養素は、肉や魚に多く含まれるビタミンB12で、ビタミンCや葉酸が多く含まれるブロッコリーやほうれん草との食べ合わせが肌を土台から再生させます。にんじんが持つビタミンAとオリーブオイルのビタミンEも相性が良く、肌の修復に役立ちます。





English ↓

A Mushroom on skin

"Ah, I've got a skin mushroom this month" 
I murmured while looking in the mirror. In the centre of the swollen red spot, there was a white dot. I pondered for a while about when to pop this white dot but eventually couldn't bear it any longer. I prepared some antibacterial cream and proceeded to eradicate the mushroom that had sprouted on my face.

As the monthly ladies' days approach, drowsiness overwhelms me, I become nervous, my ears become sensitive, and mushrooms sprout on my face. Am I the only one experiencing this? Surely, most women in the world have experienced this phenomenon to some extent, and I believe most men are aware of its existence.

What frustrates me the most is the negative impact it has on my appearance. I have always had complexes about my appearance since childhood, and I began taking an interest in beauty from a young age in an effort to improve myself. I have always put in constant efforts. Back in middle school, I experimented with budget cosmetics featured in magazines, and although I don't remember why I hid it from my mother, I secretly bought and used expensive shampoos. As an adult, I even took out a loan to attend beauty school and study. I am about to celebrate my 37th birthday soon, and combating ageing is also a theme in my life. There's a scene in "Howl's Moving Castle" where Howl vents his frustration saying, "If I'm not beautiful, then I'm worthless." I truly understand that sentiment. The parts of ourselves we dislike seem to reappear effortlessly, but the parts we love require consistent nurturing and care.
Many beautiful people say, "I don't do anything special," which is both true and false. What has become a daily routine is perceived as nothing special. However, in reality, they take actions such as skincare, stretching, exercise, and revising their diets to maintain their beauty consciousness.

Being in the beauty industry myself, I work hard to take care of myself, but I am inevitably affected by hormonal imbalances before my period. Especially when noticeable acne or other skin troubles appear on my face, adding to the emotional instability, it leads to waves of frustration. While properly dealing with these skin mushrooms is a relief, the frustration from unsuccessful attempts lingers throughout the day, and the negative cycle of battling mushrooms continues at night.

Acne is caused by a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes. Since this bacterium dislikes oxygen, basic facial cleansing to prevent pores from clogging is crucial. During winter, the skin tends to dry out, leading to excessive sebum production and a favourable environment for acne bacteria. After cleansing, it's essential to moisturise to prevent dryness. Personally, I make my own moisturiser and experiment each time to suit my skin...
In terms of diet, the combination of sugar and oil creates an ideal environment for acne bacteria. Before my period, due to hormonal changes, I tend to crave snacks, but I resist sugary and oily treats for that one week. It's just a week, yet also not just a week—it's a test of self-discipline. 

On the contrary, nutrients like Vitamin B12 found in meat and fish, along with Vitamin C and folic acid in broccoli and spinach, rejuvenate the skin from the inside. Carrots with Vitamin A and olive oil with Vitamin E also complement each other well, aiding in skin repair.
As a stress-relief measure, I make sure to incorporate a bit more of exercise than usual. These foods not only aid in skin regeneration but also in efficient utilisation of protein, leading to both refreshment and muscle building. The concept of killing two birds with one stone resonates well with my brain, making this method quite effective.

When feeling under the weather or experiencing skin troubles, it's easy to feel down. There was a time when I resigned myself to it, thinking it's just part of being a woman. However, by thoroughly investigating the causes and treating myself well, my health improved rapidly, and my skin became clearer. How I utilise that one-quarter of the month during menstruation really changes my life. While skin mushrooms still occasionally sprout, I now see them as signs informing me about my condition, and I take it as an opportunity to search for new improvement strategies.
Many of our customers also struggle with skin issues. Tailoring my knowledge and experience to each individual's concerns brings me great joy, knowing that I can help more people regain their smiles.