Reddibird Times


靴の選び方と膝の痛み/Key to Healthy Feet and Knees

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  1. 足の筋肉を強化する: 外反母趾を予防するためには、足の周囲の筋肉を強化することが重要です。特に、足底筋膜や足首周囲の筋肉を重点的に鍛えることで、足のアーチをサポートし、足指の関節を安定させることができます。


  1. つま先立ちのトレーニング: つま先立ちのポジションでのトレーニングは、足のアーチを鍛えるのに効果的です。つま先立ちの状態でバランスを保ちながら、少しでも長く維持するようにトレーニングを行うと、足の筋肉やアーチが強化されます。


  1. 足首の柔軟性を維持する: 足首の柔軟性を保つことも外反母趾を予防するために重要です。足首のストレッチや回旋運動を行うことで、足首の筋肉や関節の柔軟性を維持し、適切な動きをサポートします。


  1. 適切なフォームでの筋トレ: 筋トレを行う際には、適切なフォームで行うことが重要です。間違ったフォームでトレーニングを行うと、関節や筋肉に負担がかかり、ケガのリスクが高まります。正しいフォームでトレーニングを行い、安全に筋力を強化しましょう。


  1. 筋トレとバランスの取れた運動: 筋トレだけでなく、バランスを取るための運動も取り入れることが重要です。ウォーキングやヨガなどのバランスを保つ運動を行うことで、足の筋肉や関節のバランスを整え、外反母趾のリスクを低減することができます。




English below

Shoes play a crucial role for our feet, and the way we choose them can significantly affect knee pain and hallux valgus. In particular, improper shoe selection can exacerbate these issues.

One of the causes of knee pain and hallux valgus is wearing inappropriate shoes. For example, wearing shoes such as high heels or flat shoes for prolonged periods that don't fit properly can increase the strain on the knees and feet. High heels don't support the foot arch and shift the body weight forward, which can put extra strain on the knees. On the other hand, flat shoes may not adequately support the foot arch, leading to uneven pressure on the soles of the feet. These shoes can strain the knee joints and muscles, potentially causing pain.

Furthermore, hallux valgus, a condition where the joints of the toes become deformed, is considered to be partially caused by inappropriate footwear. Shoes with tapered toes or high heels can exert pressure on the big toe, potentially exacerbating hallux valgus. Continuously wearing ill-fitting shoes can worsen the pain and inflammation associated with hallux valgus.

Choosing appropriate shoes is essential for preventing knee pain and hallux valgus. It's important to select soft, properly sized shoes that adequately support the foot arch.

Additionally, using insoles that fit your feet can help reduce foot strain. Regularly checking foot health and consulting with professionals when necessary is also crucial. By making proper shoe choices and taking care of your feet, you can reduce the risk of knee pain and hallux valgus and maintain healthy feet.


Strength training is one effective method for preventing hallux valgus. Below are some ways to prevent hallux valgus through strength training:

  1. Strengthening foot muscles: To prevent hallux valgus, it's important to strengthen the muscles around the feet. Specifically targeting the plantar fascia and muscles around the ankles can support the foot arch and stabilize toe joints.
  2. Toe-standing exercises: Training in a toe-standing position is effective for strengthening the foot arch. Maintaining balance while standing on tiptoe and holding the position for as long as possible will strengthen foot muscles and arches.
  3. Maintaining ankle flexibility: Preserving ankle flexibility is also crucial for preventing hallux valgus. Performing ankle stretches and rotational movements can maintain flexibility in ankle muscles and joints, supporting proper movement.
  4. Proper form during strength training: It's important to maintain proper form while strength training. Incorrect form can strain joints and muscles, increasing the risk of injury. Train with correct form to safely strengthen muscles.
  5. Balanced exercise with strength and balance: Incorporating exercises that focus on balance is important. Engaging in activities like walking or yoga helps maintain balance in foot muscles and joints, reducing the risk of hallux valgus.


By combining these methods, you can make continuous efforts to prevent hallux valgus.