Reddibird Times


新生活に向けて/For New Life






内容は、彼女も私もチョコレートが好きで…… から始まり、彼女の場合はダイエットのために4つの切れ目が付いているカカオ70%チョコレートを小さく切って少しずつ食べているそう。

私の場合は、手の届く場所にあると制限なく好きな時に好きなだけ食べてしまうので、買うこと自体をやめました。ビーガン生活を始めてからは牛乳が使われていることも多いので、今では一切チョコレートは買っていません。ないことが安全地帯。アルコールやカフェインの中毒になったことはないけれど、チョコレート(これも一応カフェイン入ってはいるけれど)は一気に頭を冴えさせる、一種の中毒成分が入っているのではないか? とも思っています。






さらに、自分の体に合った食材を知ることもダイエットを成功させる秘訣になります。スーパーで食べるものを選ぶときに、どのようにして選んでいますか?献立をたてて、リストアップして、買っていませんか? もちろんその方法も良いでしょう。しかし、もうあとワンランクアップさせるやり方としては、思考で考えるだけでなく、感覚を使うのです。何も決めずにスーパーへ行き、実際に食材を目で見て、鼻で香りを確かめて、手に取ってしっくりくるのか…… その時に頭に降りてくるレシピが意外と神レシピだったりします。そんなことしていたら時間がかかるという方もいらっしゃるでしょうが、この時間は「あえて贅沢に過ごす時間」です。自分と家族の健康が関わっているのですから…… 私は食材を買ったり、調理したりするときは、ゆったりと贅沢に時間を使うように心がけています。五感をフル活用して丁寧に作られた手料理は、食べる人の心と体を充電します。その人の体を、人生を作っていくのです。それから、自分の体に合った食材を取り入れていると、自然と適正体重に近づいていきます。これは本当に不思議なのですが、五感は自分の体に何が必要なのかすでにわかっているのですよね。現代は情報に溢れていますが、世間が良いと言っていることが必ずしもあなたに良いというわけでもないのです。





In English below

"For New Life"


New life is about to begin! I think many people are excited about their new life.

By the way, do you have any habits?Is that a good habit?

Or a bad habit?


While talking with a customer, we shared the sentiment that "Dieting is indeed crucially tied to our eating habits!" She and I both love chocolate. She mentioned that she enjoys small pieces of 70% cocoa chocolate, cut into four pieces, savoring them slowly. On the other hand, I used to indulge freely whenever chocolate was within reach, so I stopped buying it altogether. Since starting a vegan lifestyle, and due to many chocolates containing milk, I've completely refrained from buying chocolate. The absence is my safety zone. While I've never become addicted to alcohol or caffeine, I wonder if there's an addictive element in chocolate(chocolate also contains caffeine though) that instantly boosts your mood?


There are various ways to improve your diet and lose weight, but first and foremost, it's crucial to understand yourself. Like with chocolate, if you can eat it in moderation rather than cutting it out entirely, showcasing that level of self-control, then that approach suits you. For those like me who find that certain things are harmful, deciding not to indulge becomes easier. Understanding your personality is key to successful dieting. Particularly when changing your diet, it's vital to find a method that you can sustain for life; otherwise, rebounding becomes more likely.

Even with fasting, there are many methods, so don't give up just because one method didn't work. If a method suits you, it might become your best ally in improving your health.


Furthermore, understanding the foods that suit your body is also essential for successful dieting. How do you choose what to buy at the supermarket? Do you plan menus, make lists, and buy accordingly? Of course, that's a good method. However, there's another step beyond, which is using your senses or feelings. Instead of deciding in advance, go to the supermarket without a plan. See the ingredients, smell them, feel them in your hand to see if they resonate with you. Sometimes, the recipes that come to mind at that moment can be surprisingly perfect. Some may say this method takes too much time, but this time is "luxuriously spent time." It concerns your and your family's health, after all. When buying ingredients or cooking, I try to take my time luxuriously. Thoughtfully prepared homemade meals using all your senses recharge the hearts and bodies of those who eat them, shaping their lives. Incorporating ingredients that suit your body naturally brings you closer to your ideal weight. It's truly amazing, but our senses already know what our bodies need. Despite the abundance of information today, what society deems as good isn't necessarily what's good for you.


Another key is to seize what's in season. In-season foods aren't just delicious; they're also abundant and often cheaper, which is friendly to your wallet. Seasonal foods, harvested at their prime, match not only your palate but also your body's needs. For instance, summer vegetables cool your body, while winter vegetables warm it. Additionally, seasonal foods help humans adapt to the Earth's climate and environment, aiding in healthy living. Therefore, incorporating locally sourced foods from your region helps your body adapt to that specific environment more easily.


Establishing your unique dietary habits not only aids in weight loss but also yields positive results in many aspects of life. Everyone's senses and perceptions are different. By aligning with the laws of nature while following your senses, your menu naturally falls into place. If you're struggling with daily menus, incorporating this method might reduce your stress and increase your enjoyment. People whose meals are disrupted by fast food and similar options may find it an opportunity to rethink their choices. It's important to adopt good habits to avoid developing addictive behaviors.