Reddibird Times


体の弱さに勝つ方法/How to Overcome Physical Weakness

 あなたは今季コロナやインフルエンザにかかりましたか? 今年の冬は、ほとんどの病院は患者で溢れ、薬も足りない状況でしたね。



















How to Overcome Physical Weakness

Have you caught COVID or the flu this season? Currently, most hospitals are overflowing with patients, and there's a shortage of medication. Have you ever thought about what's happening inside your body when you're sick, beyond just the effects of medication?

Just as there are seeds that sprout and seeds that don't, in nature, the principle is that those with strong DNA survive. However, in the case of humans, we're governed by our brains, so intelligence takes precedence over physical strength. Weak DNA continues to be inherited, so we need to address that. This is where "natural healing power" becomes key.

Natural healing power is the body's magic potion. The human body has the remarkable ability to heal itself from external damage and foreign substances, with incredibly effective self-repair mechanisms.

Natural healing power can be divided into four main areas. First is cell regeneration. Like a lizard's tail, the human body can repair and regenerate damaged cells. Second is the immune system. Third is inflammation regulation. Inflammation is akin to controlled burning. While an appropriate inflammatory response promotes healing, excessive inflammation can lead to pain and swelling, akin to a wildfire, requiring intervention. Fourth, and most crucial for today's article, is blood flow improvement. Blood carries nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and removes metabolic waste and toxins.

An interesting aspect of boosting natural healing power is "introducing toxins." In the realm of homeopathy, there's data suggesting that ingesting a tiny amount of caffeine when unable to sleep can actually induce sleep. Caffeine is known for stimulating the central nervous system and keeping you awake, but in minuscule doses, it produces the opposite effect. Human bodies have a certain level of tolerance to toxins. With the increase in disinfection due to COVID, we may have lost our resistance to bacteria and viruses. Conversely, we might have developed a tolerance to alcohol... That's a joke. However, it's crucial to understand that resistance to toxins is determined by our DNA. Whether someone gets pneumonia from smoking or not, or develops allergies in spring, or lives a short or long life, is to some extent determined by DNA.

If we were plants, weaker individuals would simply perish. However, we're humans. We've developed brains not only to propagate but also to leave behind civilization and history for future generations.

So, how can individuals with weaker bodies boost their natural healing power? The key lies in blood circulation. When our bodies detect an intrusion, white blood cells increase temporarily, entering attack mode. Whether it's catching a cold, suffering from allergies, taking strong medication, or experiencing stress, white blood cells increase. White blood cells are like temperamental knights, essential for protecting the body like a castle. However, if there are too many, conflicts can arise within the castle. Therefore, rather than simply increasing the number of white blood cells, it's better to train each one to improve their quality.

Needless to say, a healthy body is essential for training white blood cells. It's too late to become ill and then start. First and foremost, satisfy the three greatest human desires: food, sleep, and sex (affectionate touch). You'll be at your healthiest when these are fulfilled. Then, introduce small amounts of toxins to train the body. Interestingly, interacting with nature also involves introducing toxins in a sense. There are many toxins in nature that are harmful to humans. Those suffering from allergies understand this, as the pollen count is high this season. However, it's dangerous for those currently experiencing allergies to expose themselves to a mountain full of pollen, even if they've satisfied their basic needs. Timing is crucial for boosting natural healing power. Try touching cedar trees when there's no cedar pollen. Your body will likely undergo changes by the next pollen season.

Another crucial aspect related to blood is blood circulation. Toxins and waste in the body are filtered by the kidneys and excreted as urine. Sweating also eliminates toxins, and blood replenishes the lost nutrients and minerals. Therefore, maintaining healthy blood circulation is essential for overall well-being. Arteries are directly influenced by the heart's power, while veins require muscle movement to return blood to the heart. Lymphatic massages also assist vein function.

Natural healing power is like magic medicine that the body creates itself. Introducing tiny amounts of toxins and stress to the body can be effective. Additionally, improving blood circulation through exercise and lymphatic massages contributes to better health. Our daily lifestyle choices also have a significant impact. It's up to us to effectively utilize this magic potion.

In my case, my body is strong, but I want to strengthen my mental resilience a bit more. Despite having innate strengths, I believe I have worked hard so far, but I want a little more. Particularly, "patience" is a challenge for me. Since the body and mind are connected, I am currently experimenting with how improving blood flow and blood quality through warmth affects my mental state. In Eastern medicine, it is said that women's lives are greatly influenced by their blood, so I believe there is a significant connection. Once results are obtained, I plan to cover it in the ReddibirdTimes.