- ビタミンC: ビタミンCは柑橘類、ストロベリーやキウイなどのフルーツに豊富に含まれています。また、赤ピーマンやブロッコリーなどの野菜も良いビタミンCの源です。
- ビタミンD: マッシュルーム(キノコ)にはビタミンDが豊富に含まれています。
- 亜鉛: 亜鉛は豆類やナッツ類に豊富に含まれています。ひよこ豆や大豆、カボチャの種などは亜鉛の良い源です。
- オメガ3脂肪酸: オメガ3脂肪酸は亜麻仁油やチアシード、ウォールナッツなどの植物性の食品に豊富に含まれています。これらをサラダやスムージーに加えることで摂取することができます。
- プロバイオティクス: ヨーグルトの他、乳酸菌が添加された豆乳ヨーグルト、また、漬物やキムチ、サワークラウトなどの発酵野菜も良い選択肢です。
"Spring Allergies"
I hated spring during my childhood. Whenever spring came, my runny nose and tears wouldn't stop all day, and my fingers would peel, causing me a lot of suffering. However, at a certain point, everything improved.
I want to explore the potential for improvement based on my experience with allergies and hay fever, which are said to be triggered when a cup is filled.
When our bodies detect foreign substances, our bodies initiate complex immune responses. The immune system triggers inflammation to prevent these invasions. As a result, body temperature rises, causing fever. This fever generation is part of the body's natural immune response to eliminate pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.
Temperature regulation originates from the hypothalamus in the brain. When immune cells respond to pathogens, the hypothalamus signals to raise body temperature. This increase in body temperature leads to fever. Fever suppresses the growth of viruses and bacteria, aiding in immune system activation. Additionally, fever enhances the activity of immune cells, helping to eliminate viruses and bacteria.
Generally, increased body temperature allows immune cells to move more efficiently, strengthening the immune response. Fever also boosts metabolism, aiding immune system activation. Immune cells become more active in a higher temperature environment, increasing their attack power against viruses and bacteria. This process helps strengthen human immune function. Children are more susceptible to illnesses initially, and resistance builds with age due to this process.
My constitution dramatically improved when I entered puberty and started menstruation. I remember feeling refreshed in spring as I began middle school wearing a new uniform and engaging in club activities with moderate exercise, followed by properly eating my mother's homemade dinner. It wasn't anything complicated. Let me explain each aspect further.
First, diet can further enhance immune system strengthening. Here are some immune-boosting foods:
Vitamin C: Found abundantly in citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, red bell peppers, and broccoli.
Vitamin D: Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, especially those exposed to sunlight.
Zinc: Found abundantly in legumes, nuts, chickpeas, soybeans, and pumpkin seeds.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Found in flaxseed oil, chia seeds, walnuts, and other plant-based foods.
Probiotics: Besides yogurt, fermented foods like soy yogurt with added lactobacillus, pickles, kimchi, and sauerkraut are good choices.
Consciously incorporating these foods can aid your immune system. Additionally, consuming dietary fiber to maintain gut health is recommended.
Next, moderate exercise is crucial. While exercising alone is beneficial, the keyword "club activities" suggests that exercising with family or friends may also be beneficial. Enjoying physical activities together can promote stress relief and nurture a healthy mind and body. The camaraderie of shared goals is also essential.
Finally, the most crucial aspect is the mindset of "change!" From March to April, you can feel refreshed and discover a new self. When you want to change yourself, having the mindset to change is essential. Placing yourself in an environment that aligns with your ideals and desired lifestyle helps clarify what steps to take. Since the mind and body are interconnected, changes in mindset can lead to physical changes. It may seem unbelievable, but experiencing the remaining period until April with this mindset can show gradual changes in reality.
Even if you are skeptical, consider spending the remaining time until April as if you were fooled once. You may start feeling some changes occurring in your reality.