Reddibird Times


不器用で苦手ばかりの人生とは/An awkward and inept life

















どうして今まで気づかなかったのか…… そこも考えました。


















"An awkward and inept life"


"You have a flower garden in your brain."

“Your brain is out of whack."

"Your brain is filled with air."

These are phrases I've heard from acquaintances and friends throughout my life.


For 37 years, I always took those comments as "jokes." Everyone treated me kindly, so I assumed it was all in jest. But it wasn't... they were serious.


Wait a minute, did I really not understand myself at all? That question sparked my journey of self-analysis.


That's when the term "autism" resonated with me.

Huh? Me, who is talkative and has worked as an esthetician for 12 years, has autism!?


At first, that's what I thought. However, no matter how many similar tests I took, the characteristics of autism still applied to me. Why didn't I notice it until now... that's another question I pondered.

One reason was that I only knew autism by its name. Additionally, I believed that cherishing individuality was important, and everyone around me also seemed content with me being "unique." Lastly, my nature also includes being an "empath."

What was happening was that I found it painful to conform to societal norms due to autism's brain structure. However, as an empath, I could read others' emotions as if they were my own and tried hard to adapt accordingly. But since I didn't quite understand how to adapt, my communication style was perceived as individuality by others.


Some might think, "What's the big deal? You're overthinking it!" But for the person involved, it's a "major problem." The fact that I "didn't notice" is the issue.


Because I have lived as an empath until now. Your emotions are my emotions, and vice versa. Although I understand this conceptually, my thought process often leads to, "You and I share the same feelings," making it challenging to accept others who are different. Humans are all different yet good... but even though I understand that logically, I tend to fall into the mindset of "you and I share the same feelings." Moreover, the general common sense that most people share is not wired in my brain. This seems to be a characteristic of autism, making it incredibly complex.


This weekend, I'll be celebrating my birthday, and realising this has been a significant gain for me. I have a complex thinking process, and I've gained clues on where the communication issues lie and how to solve them. In fact, the fact that I've continued in customer service is proof of my efforts.


Now that I think about it, throughout my life, I've challenged myself in areas where I struggled repeatedly. Even what can be considered my calling now, the beauty industry, began from my own physical appearance insecurities. I also struggled with English so much in junior high that I received below-average grades, but I eventually scored 990 on the TOEIC. I've loved playing music since I was six, but I couldn't read sheet music, yet I still played accompaniments for choir competitions and even performed at weddings as an adult. Despite struggling even in things I liked, I had the strength to persevere through them.


However, I also realised that I had support from those who accepted my "differences." It's because there were people who accepted my "differences" that I was able to keep going. Moving forward, I want to try to accept my own and others’ differences little by little.


I am currently attending a writing seminar. I didn't read books, struggled with English, couldn't read sheet music, all because I had difficulty reading text. Yet here I am, challenging myself to express myself through text.