Reddibird Times


男性の精力と漢方/Male Virility and Traditional Chinese Medicine






男性の気は精から来るものであり、これも人間が子孫を残していくうえで大切な役割になっています。女性は「血」が大切で、月経、妊娠、出産のメカニズムが関係しているという話は、前日のReddibird Timesで話題に取り上げましたが、男性も同じく、命を育むためのメカニズムが関係しているのです。よって、「精」の問題は男性が男性として生きていく上でとても重要な要素なのです。













”Male Virility and Traditional Chinese Medicine”


"Dating with me just for my body? No thanks!!

This is something most women think about when dating men. But what about men? Is it okay as long as it's a woman, and there's a physical relationship, without needing any emotional connection? Most men probably aren't like that, as you might understand. However, it's also true that most men find it hard to consider serious dating without imagining a physical relationship.


It's believed that a man's life is influenced by his 'Qi' (vital energy). This is because men often engage in physical activities outside, which depletes their Qi rapidly. The 'Kidneys' store 'Jing', which is the essence of life energy. Men's bodily functions peak around the age of 32, and as Kidney function declines, Jing diminishes, bringing one closer to death.


A man's Qi derives from Jing, and this plays a crucial role in human reproduction. While we discussed in yesterday's Reddibird Times about how important 'Blood' is for women, with menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth mechanisms, similarly for men, there are mechanisms vital for sustaining life. Therefore, issues related to 'Jing' are crucial for men to live as men.


Regarding diet, it's essential for men to supplement the Kidneys, and the role of 'Spleen,' which strengthens physical stamina, becomes important too. For both men and women, weakening Kidneys accelerate aging. Interestingly, while menopause in women is well-known, men also experience symptoms akin to male menopause when Kidney function declines. Western science attributes this to a decrease in male hormones, but it also results in increased stress, irritability, reduced motivation, energy, and libido. When Kidneys weaken, skin and hair issues often appear prominently. Hence, to address these, here are some beneficial foods:

Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids: Such as salmon, tuna, chia seeds, flaxseeds, which promote scalp health and support cell growth.

Foods containing Vitamin E: Examples include almonds, sunflower seeds, avocados, which have antioxidant properties, maintaining healthy hair, skin, protecting from dryness and damage.

Foods containing Biotin: Found in egg yolks, nuts, soybeans, crucial for hair, skin, and nail growth.

Foods rich in Zinc: Beef, chicken, shellfish, soybeans, essential for healthy skin maintenance and hair growth.

Foods rich in Iron: Spinach, liver, beans, vital for carrying oxygen to cells and promoting healthy growth.

For men, exercising to build muscle not only relieves stress but also enhances Kidney function. Consistent aerobic exercise and strength training, focusing on muscle-building, are key to anti-aging efforts.


Another critical aspect for men is the 'Spleen.' The Spleen is related to digestive organs like the stomach and intestines, and it's also where the 'Dantian' is located in traditional Chinese medicine. Since Dantian is where Qi gathers, it's a crucial spot for men, related to work motivation. While many men are slim in their teens and twenties, overeating, excessive drinking, lack of exercise as age increases often leads to abdominal fat accumulation. Once it leads to metabolic syndrome, it's no longer just about Qi or Jing; it's a health issue, an anomaly. Exercises focusing on the Dantian, like breathing techniques, can help. Foods that strengthen the Spleen include soybeans, green beans, potatoes, eggplants, carrots, pork, chives, green onions, ginger, while incorporating fasting to rest the digestive system might also be beneficial.


A man's body heavily depends on gathering 'Qi' in daily life, especially related to work. Hence, maintaining a healthy intestinal environment, enhancing Spleen function are crucial. Additionally, to sustain 'Jing' function, efforts to strengthen the Kidneys are necessary for anti-aging. Adequate diet, regular exercise, along with stress-free sleep are essential. Despite being busy with work, it's crucial to always review and improve one's lifestyle when feeling weakened. Men often tend to focus solely on one thing, neglecting others. In this era of dual-income households, multitasking is more in women's domain as their brains function in a more multi-faceted way. For women with busy partners, creating an environment where they can relax and maintain mental tranquility, supporting men through meals and private life, would be ideal.