え、そんな家ある? これが私の最初の反応でした。しかし、よく話を聞いてみると、どうやら線路が近くを通っていて、大きな雷対策をしている近隣のシステムの影響で、その家には雷が落ち続けていることがわかりました。電気はエネルギーであり、私たちの生活には欠かせない存在ですが、その電気のシステムは、私たちの体の中にもあり、健康と病気を左右する鍵にもなっています。
TENS(Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)は、神経に電気刺激を与える治療法です。これは、痛みを感じる部位に特定の電気信号を送ることで、痛みを和らげる効果があるとされています。電気刺激は神経を刺激し、痛みを伝える信号をブロックしたり、体内の痛みを和らげる物質を放出させることで痛みを緩和します。この治療法は、薬を使わずに痛みを軽減できるため、多くの人に利用されています。
- 連続波形(Continuous waveform): 一定の強度と周波数で一定時間続く電気刺激です。この波形は継続的な刺激を提供し、神経の興奮を維持します。
- パルス波形(Pulsed waveform): 一定間隔で電気刺激を繰り返す波形です。パルス幅(パルスが発生する時間)や周波数(パルスの繰り返し速度)を調整することで、神経への刺激パターンを変えることができます。提携施設で家庭用のパルス機器を取り扱っています。
- 高周波(High-frequency): 高周波の電気信号は、神経の活動を遮断する効果があります。これにより、痛みを伝える神経信号の伝達を一時的にブロックすることができます。高周波は、私が提携している施設でも施術提供されています。
- 低周波(Low-frequency): 低周波の電気信号は、神経や筋肉を刺激して血流を増やし、体の痛みを和らげる効果があります。この波形は神経や筋肉を活性化させることで、痛みを緩和します。
EMS(Electrical Muscle Stimulation)は、電気刺激を使って筋肉を収縮させることで、筋力の増強やリラクゼーションを促進する技術です。EMSは筋肉に対する「運動指令を送る装置」のようなものです。通常、私たちは意識的に筋肉を動かす際には脳からの信号が筋肉に送られ、その結果筋肉が収縮します。しかしEMSを使うと、外部から電気刺激を筋肉に与えることで、筋肉を無意識に収縮させることができます。これにより、例えば自分で行うトレーニングに比べて疲労を感じずに、効率的に筋力を鍛えることができます。また、EMSはリラクゼーション効果もあります。筋肉をゆっくりと収縮させることで、筋肉の緊張がほぐれるため、ストレス解消や疲労回復にも役立ちます。
AI and The robots with medical devices
"Lightning Strikes Often at Our Place"
"Huh, Do Such Houses Exist?"
That was my initial reaction. However, upon listening closely, it turns out that due to the proximity of railway tracks and the influence of a neighboring system taking significant lightning precautions, it became clear that lightning continuously strikes that house.
Electricity is energy, essential to our lives, and the electrical systems within us are key players in influencing our health and illnesses.
The electrical activity within our bodies is closely related to the functioning of our nervous and muscular systems. In the nervous system, electrical signals from the brain and spinal cord are transmitted through nerve cells. When we feel something or perform an action, electrical signals from the brain are sent to the appropriate parts of our bodies. For instance, the warmth felt when dipping a hand into a bath or the command for our legs to move forward while walking are examples of this process.
Similarly, in the muscular system, electrical signals from the brain and nervous system reach the muscles, causing them to contract and move. For example, the contraction of leg muscles needed to climb stairs or the movement of arm muscles used to throw a ball are examples of this process.
Moreover, the heart also operates via electrical signals. Precise heartbeats are maintained when electrical signals reach specific parts of the heart. This ensures stable blood circulation, supplying oxygen and nutrients adequately throughout the body.
This electrical activity within our bodies directly correlates with our actions and functions, significantly impacting our daily lives and health.In medicine and physiology, understanding this electrical activity is crucial for treating diseases and managing health. Additionally, using external electrical stimulation or electrical therapy can help regulate and treat nerve and muscle activities. These efforts are crucial for improving our health and quality of life. Let's introduce the mechanisms of some major medical devices.
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) is a therapy that provides electrical stimulation to nerves. By sending specific electrical signals to areas experiencing pain, it is believed to alleviate pain. Electrical stimulation can block nerve signals that transmit pain or release substances that alleviate pain, offering pain relief without medication, making it widely used. Different types of electrical signals used in TENS include:
- Continuous waveform: Provides continuous stimulation at a constant intensity and frequency, maintaining nerve excitement.
- Pulsed waveform: Repeats electrical stimulation at regular intervals, allowing adjustments in pulse width and frequency to modify nerve stimulation patterns.
- High-frequency: Blocks nerve activity, temporarily halting pain signals' transmission.
- Low-frequency: Stimulates nerves and muscles, increasing blood flow and relieving pain.
These electrical signals are chosen and adjusted by professionals like doctors or physical therapists based on patient conditions and treatment goals, allowing effective pain management and rehabilitation.
EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) uses electrical stimulation to contract muscles, promoting muscle strength and relaxation. EMS acts as a "device sending exercise commands to muscles." Unlike conscious muscle movements where signals are sent from the brain, EMS contracts muscles unconsciously, aiding efficient muscle training and providing relaxation effects.While traditionally used by athletes and for rehabilitation, user-friendly EMS devices for home use are becoming more common. However, using these devices requires some knowledge. It's crucial to receive guidance from professionals or learn thoroughly before using for personal purposes. Additionally, relying on personal sensations alongside knowledge and experiences is important. Bodies vary, and what works for one may not work for another. Understanding one's body is paramount. If unsure about one's body, feel free to consult through the Reddibird website.
Integrating human body functions and electricity with modern technology can yield astonishing results. With AI and robots playing significant roles, possibilities are expanding rapidly. With more choices, understanding oneself alongside knowledge becomes crucial. Perhaps start by feeling the electricity flowing through your body while soaking in a warm bath and experiencing its warmth. How about that?